Monday, January 5, 2009

mask images


The colors found in the face of the Chinese opera characters symbolize the disposition of that character. For example a gods or spirits mask might include gold and silver colors.These makeup masks date back to the Song and Yuan dynasties. Later in the Ming Dynastiy, the Chinese makeup experienced many improvements in the skills of drawing and preparing the face paints. These improvement led to the new set of colorful patterns found in today's Jingju.


A lot of the Opera costumes were designed by the Ming Dynasty. The following list shows what features are found in Chinese opera clothing.
-jeweled girdles
-hair ornaments
-high court shoes
-different styles of face painting

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Chinese Opera consists of song and dance, colorful costumes, make-up, acrobats, jesters, storytellers, acting, poetry and martial arts. The earliest known performance came from the Song Dynast. During the Yuan Dynasty Chinese opera had great changes that classified the period as the Golden age of the Classical Opera. In the 19th Century the Peking Opera came about. This opera featured colorful costumes, elaborate make up, facial expressions and spoken in the Mandarin dialect.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Mongol conquerors patronized a northern form of opera called a "multi-act". This play is divided into four acts. In the southern area however, the main character sing lyric verses, using a single major rhyme scheme throughout the entire act.The other performers simply say their lines.

Monday, December 15, 2008